Just Bea

Just Bea

Sometimes you have to stop trying to be like everyone else and just be yourself

Bea Stevens and Ryan O Marley are in danger of falling through the cracks of their own lives; the only difference between them is that Bea doesn’t know it yet.

When her world is shaken like a snow-globe, Bea has to do what she does best; adapt. Homeless man Ryan is the key to unlocking the mystery of her friend Declan’s disappearance but can she and Ryan trust one another enough to work together?

As the pieces of her life settle in new and unexpected places, like the first fall of snow, Bea must make a choice: does she try to salvage who she was or embrace who she might become?

Just Bea takes the reader on a heart-warming journey from the glamour of a West End store to the harsh reality of life on the streets and reminds us all that home really is where the heart is.

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Available in paperback, and digital. Free to Kindle Unlimited

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Read the first three chapters here

What readers have said about Just Bea

The whole book is a journey of personal development and self-discovery as Bea’s character unfurls, an unlikely but convincing friendship and romance, an incisive piece of social commentary, a race against time that seems more hopeless by the day, and an intriguing mystery to be resolved with a nice edge of suspense – and I have to say I really loved every moment. Highly recommended by me – and an author I’d very much like to read again. Anne Williams

Just Bea is an Endearing and Heart Warming story of Second Chances, Mystery, Trust, Secrets, Self discovery, Friendships, Romance and a dash of light hearted humour. The Author has taken the time to highlight, a glimmer into homelessness and the dangers and realities. This is my first encounter with this author and I’m very excited to read more! Dashfan81

I am struggling to put into words how great this book is. Hannah loves to read (book blogger)

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