Castaway Books with Anita Belli

Episode one – pilot

I had a fascinating discussion with Anita belli about her life in dance and theatre before raising a family and becoming an author and creative writing tutor. Anita pointed out that although she was limited to five books she could have picked any books by these authors as once she falls in love with a book she reads everything written by that author.

Little Women  Louisa May Alcott

100 years of Solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Watermelon Marian Keyes

The Man who Made Vermeers  Jonathan Lopez

Chocolat  Joanne Harris

You can watch the pilot episode of Castaway Books on my Facebook page.

or listen to the podcast

Castaway Books Meet the Bloggers with guest Sharon Rimmelzwaan Castaway Books

I’ve been asking authors to tell me about the books that have influenced their life and inspired their writing. Now it’s time to shine that light on Book Bloggers. Those amazing writers who tirelessly support and cheer on authors with their book reviews. This week’s guest is book blogger Sharon Rimmelzwaan.
  1. Castaway Books Meet the Bloggers with guest Sharon Rimmelzwaan
  2. Castaway Books Meet the Bloggers with guest Anne Williams
  3. Castaway Books Meet the Bloggers with guest Jill Doyle
  4. Castaway Books Meet the Bloggers with guest Jen C. Henry
  5. Castaway Books with guest Eva Seyler